Jia Huang


Autodesk Forge DevCon

An overview of how 3D Robotics structured their systems to handle drone imagery data using Scala, CouchDB, AWS, and various monitoring tools.
Slide deck: http://www.slideshare.net/Autodesk/building-a-drone-imagery-service

Forward JS

This gives an overview of how to go about writing a driver for a chip given only a datasheet.
Slide deck: http://www.slideshare.net/TechnicalMachine/js-gesture-sensor-driver

Hardwired NYC

I gave a talk about how I set up the prototyping & manufacturing processes that allowed Tessel to go from hand soldering 10s of units to cranking out 10k builds.
Slide deck: http://www.slideshare.net/TechnicalMachine/hardware-playbook